Your pets are an important part of your family, so it makes sense that you’d want to bring them along on your vacations whenever possible. Fortunately, modern RVs are luxurious and as comfortable as residential homes in many cases, meaning your pet will be as happy on the road as at home. Plus, they will be excited to be with you. Whether you’re bringing a cat or dog or another furry friend, you’ll want to ensure their happiness and comfort on the road. The folks at Schwab's RV World understand how important your animal’s well-being is, so we’ve created this quick guide to travelling with pets in an RV.

Keep Up With Everyday Routines

Routines are as important to your pets’ well-being as they are to yours, so you should do everything you can to maintain their normal schedule. Feed them at the same time every day, even if that means you have to stop earlier or leave later than you’d planned to do. Make sure they have access to clean water throughout the day and a cool dark place to take naps.

If your pet takes medicine or receives shots, continue to give these at the same time you would at home. If your pet’s routine would have to be dramatically adjusted to meet your travel schedule, it may be best to board your pet instead, because not knowing what to expect will make your cat or dog nervous and possibly sick.

Pack Toys and Treats

Just like you want to have your favourite books, hobby tools and devices on vacation, your cat or dog will benefit from having their well-loved toys on the trip. You’ll be able to bond through playing with them, which will reduce their anxiety. Pack their favourite treats to reward them for getting through a tough day on the road, too.

Bring Food, Medicine and Beds

Instead of grabbing whatever food you find en route for your pet, bring enough of their normal food for the duration of your trip, plus a little extra in case you’re delayed. Changing your pet’s diet at home needs to be a slow process to prevent them from getting sick, so naturally if you offer your pet different food on the road, they’ll definitely fall ill. Pack any medicines your pet is on or flea treatments they might need out in the wilderness. Remember to pack their bed or blanket to sleep on and put it in a quiet place where they can take a break.

Looking for an RV to take your whole family on your next vacation? Come visit our dealership in Leduc, AB, and we’ll help you find an RV that meets all your needs -- and those of your pets! Schwab's RV World serves all those in Edmonton.